Pasport Na Vagon Dom

Pasport Na Vagon Dom

Photo: Facebook Maria Alekhina The main rebel 'Pussy Rayot' Maria Alekhina - 28. She spent two years in the Russian colonies serving a significant punishment for punk prayer in the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The protest itself lasted 45 seconds. Thus, simple mathematics suggests: every second of this performance cost her two and a half weeks in prison.

From that moment, a little more than 2 years passed - 5 girls were “lit” in one of the main Orthodox churches of Russia 21 February 2012. Maria founded her own human rights movement, learned to sue jailers and win the courts, and did not surrender her former comrades-in-arms, whose names the Russian justice offered to exchange “Pussy” for freedom. ForumDaily found Alekhina in Washington, where she arrived with a series of human rights lectures. Alekhina smokes with taste, diluting conversation with giggles. She has red hair, a nine-year-old son, and she does not know how to be afraid. She easily answers questions about the future, and about participation in the filming of “The House of Cards”, about who first called after release, how often she saw her son during imprisonment and whether she wanted to cry during the announcement of the verdict. What are you doing in the US?

You just recently had an anniversary of a speech in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior [after it was followed by the arrest of three members of the “Pussy Rayot” - approx. Yes, these are 21 numbers, we were just in Chicago. We have such a small series of lectures on human rights — we want to talk about other political prisoners whom we provide assistance, and can give everything. We show the work of Pete Pavletsky, who is protected by the “Zone of Law”. He is our great friend and colleague, and we also talk about the case of the Minsk anti-fascists, who also sit for convictions.

For example, Alexey Sutuga or Gaskarova. We talk about prisons, what is happening inside, why it is so important to protect the people there. We had a lecture at the University of Los Angeles, in Chicago, in Washington.

Dom (1) Hobi, zbirateljstvo (149). Vsak vagon ima po dva nastavka za pod kolesa tovornjakov. Dva vagona imata nameščene odbojnike za na konec oz. Zgodil se je izjemno zanimiv IZREDNI PREVOZ, ki je vključeval preklad na železniški vagon. Projekt smo ujeli v objektiv kamere. V posnetku vsekakor vse izgleda izjemno preprosto, vendar lahko.

Chess free download full game. The United States has played a fairly significant history in your cinematic career. How did you manage to play in the “House of Cards”?

It turned out quite by accident. We were at an evening organized by the literary organization of PEN - we were invited there to perform. We talked about books that were handed to prisoners after release. We had such a humanitarian project. But it was a big event, there were a lot of people there, we didn’t talk with everyone very much, stood in the corner and read the news. At this time in New York just arrested the activist of Occupy Wall-Street, Cecil van Billen.


And they arrested her because during a protest she pushed the policeman who grabbed her chest, for which she faced 7 years in prison. This story hooked us very much, we even went to the rocket silent, visited it and even made such a small campaign to free her. For Cecile, everything ended well - she spent the entire 5 months. And then we stood and discussed all this, a man approached us and asked if we were from Pussy Rayot. We answered yes. And this man turned out to be a House of Cards screenwriter, Bo William, he is one of the most amazing people I know. He is a political enthusiast and scholar with an absolutely amazing life story, which is very close to me.


And the next day he invited us to the writers' room - they have a special room in New York, 30 people are sitting there at such a square table, magnetic boards, on which a huge number of letters are written about each series, a lot of some minor details are painted. And in the third season they should have a story about a Russian prison, and they had to know what a Russian prison is inside, what the camera looks like, what could be there. And we talked for a very long time, 4 hours - about what a hunger strike is, what the size of the camera is, who they are letting, who are not being allowed, what a visit might look like. And in the end they told us that there was an idea - to make such a dinner in the plot and to invite real Russian opposition members there. We thought to invite Garry Kasparov and maybe you. And in the end they called.

Pasport Na Vagon Dom
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