Google Sketchup 8 Portable Free Download

Google Sketchup 8 Portable Free Download

Google Sketchup Pro 8 Portable Software Free Download #google. SketchUp Pro 8 crack helps you in making animations simply without wasting a lot of time.

I have been using Google Sketchup for a while now, and I always wondered if it would be possible to make it portable. (To use at my workstation in the office). As an experiment, I just copied the Sketchup folder from my C: Drive and pasted the copy into the 'Portable Apps' folder on my USB drive. When I started the portable apps launcher, lo and behold, Sketchup was there!


I ran it on 3 different machines, with positive results. Which leads me to my next question: Does anyone know of any other popular applications that can be added in this way? Unfortunately Sketchup leaves some 800+ registry entries behind.

They do all exist in two main keys which makes them easy to read and write using regedit with the /s switch. Sketchup also assumes the local harddrive is the location for a bunch of support files, and I have no idea how to manipulate registry settings files on the fly to make this a truly machine independent solution. I suppose I could write a parsing routine to massage the reg file prior to writing, but this seems rather inelegant. Any other ideas? This is what the registry data looks like [HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Google SketchUp6 File Locations] 'Models'=' local drive root home user My Documents ' 'Components'=' local drive root home user My Documents ' 'Materials'=' local drive root home user My Documents ' 'Styles'=' local drive root home user My Documents ' 'Textures'=' local drive root home user My Documents ' 'Images'=' local drive root home user My Documents ' 'ImportExport'=' local drive root home user My Documents ' 'local drive' is the name of our local file server as we use shared directory space. When i start SketchUp 7, i get the error: 'The system cannot execute the specified program'. Perhaps it requires administrator privileges to run?

I made a small batch file to set and save registry entries: @echo off for /F 'tokens=*'%%z IN ('echo%cd%') DO set currentdrive=%%~dz echo Backing Up current Enteries. Reg export HKCU Software Google SketchUpOldRegEnteries.reg echo Adding Registry Enteries.

Reg import SketchUpRegEnteries.reg echo Replacing Paths To current ones. For /F 'eol=! Tokens=1,2*'%%a IN ('Reg query 'HKCU Software Google SketchUp7 File Locations') DO ( echo%%a=%currentdrive%%%~pc reg add 'HKCU Software Google SketchUp7 File Locations' /v%%a /d%currentdrive%%%~pc /f ) echo Starting Sketchup. Buku online perkembangan psikologi pendidikan.

Do not close this window, echo or your settings will not be saved, or the echo registry enteries removed. Pause SketchUp.exe echo Exporting Current Settings. Reg export HKCU Software Google SketchUpRegEnteries.reg echo Replacing Original Enteries.

Reg import SketchUpOldRegEnteries.reg::echo Deleting Temp Old Reg backup.::del SketchUpOldRegEnteries.reg echo Done!!!! Exit However i appears i either did something wrong(possibly need to add more keys?), or administrator privileges are required to run. (the two comment lines,::, are commented for testing. Uncomment them if you like. It works only on that computer. At most of the programms, on any other computer will not work.

Google Sketchup 8 Portable Free Download
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