Golodanie Po Voroshilovu Metodika

Golodanie Po Voroshilovu Metodika

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Another very interesting technique proposed by Sergei Borodin, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, inventor. With the help of his methods of starvation, he managed to recover from a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system. The fasting method developed by Dr. Voroshilov suggests treating food pauses (starvation) as an element of personal hygiene. In fact, what prevents us (from time to time) to transform our excess weight into health and longevity?

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Author's method of starving for Sergei Borodin and his book 'Elementary school hunger' Another very interesting technique proposed by Sergei Borodin, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, inventor. Using his method of starvation, he managed to recover from a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system of deforming spondylarthrosis / Bekhterev's disease. The basis of fasting in Borodino is a mandatory cleansing of the intestines during fasting. For cleansing, he recommends a beetroot enema: Here is what Borodin writes about the preparation for starvation: 'Individual approach and frequent control is also needed in diabetes, stomach ulcer, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, gallbladder disease, mental illness and in all cases when the disease has gone very far. It is necessary to begin with a laxative - - best of all something based on senna grass or on the basis of a rhubarb root. Through 1 - 3 hours, make an enema 38 - 39 ° C with the addition of 100 - 200 of beet juice to 2 L of water, hold the enema water for 5 - 10 minutes, clean and then drink as much as possible.

For men in 60 - 70 kg, the effect of curing those who do not lend themselves to 'Nikolaev LH' begins with 7 l / day, for women - with 4,5 l; for the rest - approximately in proportion to the weight. But the cold water will not go to the patient. But boiled and stored almost hermetic, for example, in a thermos bottle, moreover, it is restrained from calcium carbonate, - such water with the optimum temperature for you at the moment (most often, 40 - 45 °) will go with pleasure. If not, then add to 1 a thermos of 1-2 plum or a piece of parsley root, celery or parsnip (up to O, 3 cm & sup3;) or a piece of the stem (dill and fennel) and, as the saying goes - your health Enema is best done 2 times a day and, starting with the second, only slightly tinted with beets, but the same 39 ° C. Pregnant, infarction, stroke, with concussions of the brain, with certain diseases of the abdominal cavity, eye diseases and in other cases when physical strain is contraindicated, it is necessary to start with an enema 0, 3-1 liters, and when the patient rests, then 2 liters and more. Pregnant, nursing and children should not drink from calcium carbonate.

Yes, dear comrades. You read correctly - and pregnant women, and children, and feeding such hunger for good. But the timing of LH is much shorter. In nursing it is 8-40 hours. In connection with all this, most of the people working to get better without a break from work are best served by such a scheme: starting from lunch on Saturday, 6 days LH + 8 days break, and 'hudyaks' - according to 4 - 5 days LH + 10-9 days of supply; such cycles of recovery can be repeated 2-4 times, calculating each time the beginning of nutrition on Friday evening. On vacation, you can bring your body to perfection.

' At the exit Borodin recommends: ' The best food is - it's something 'alive' and juicy-bitten and with (pleasure!) You suck. Stan For example, grape, tomato, plum or pre-soaked dried fruit. Mashed potatoes and juices are also acceptable, but freshly prepared; and fruit juices are better than vegetable and canned, and children's varieties are better than adults.

Golodanie Po Voroshilovu Metodika
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